Self-care:Reactive or Proactive?
The term “self-care” is often tossed around lightly.
Our mind and body are interconnected, and are essentially one system.
As a society, we typically approach self-care reactively. We wait until we are in distressed and call out sick from work, get a pedicure or a massage. It’s something that gives us a little bit of instant gratification, but doesn’t have much longevity.
Emotional stress manifests in our body; headaches/migrains, pain, heart palpitations, vertigo, tension, muscle spasms…
When our body experiences physical pain, it has an impact on our emotional and spiritual body and can present in several ways; anxiety, depression, insomnia…
While reactive selfceare is important , the more proactive we are about our self-care, we have better ability to cope with the stressors we experience in life.
Well rounded self-care could look like doing some of the following regularly:
Physical activity
Talk therapy
Bodywork (MFR/CST/Massage)
Sensory Deprivation/FLOAT
Less time using electronics
Hobbies that bring joy
Planned days off from work